O’Fallon & Shiloh (O & S) Fall Basketball 1st/2nd Grade Boys

Activity Information

Fee: Resident: $95.00. Non-Resident: $105.00
Games: Saturday, Mon./Wed.
Practice Dates/Times: TBD by Coach

This league is designed for boys who are currently in 1st & 2nd Grade. There will be two practices a week, one practice during the weeknight M-F and one Saturday practice. First practice will start Saturday, October 12.

Exact practice days will be based on the coach’s availability.

Games will be played twice a week, one weekday game and one Saturday game. The season will consist of an 8-game schedule.

Registration Details

Activity NameSession DateBarcodeStatus
1st/2nd Grade BoysSaturday, October 1210256Enroll now

Additional Activities