Mini Camps
Katy Cavins Community Center
Activity Information
Fee: Varies by camp
Ages: Varies by Camp
Times: 8:45AM – 4PM (All Day Mini)
8:45AM – 12PM (AM Mini)
12:45M – 4PM (PM Mini)

The Mini Camp program provides children the opportunity to learn about different sports and activities in an organized, safe, and supervised setting. The program’s goal is to challenge and delight the capacities of the participating children in order to fulfill their unique potential in each of the Mini Camp programs that they choose to attend.
This year the AM mini-camps will run from 8:45AM – 12 PM and 12:45PM – 4:00 PM with the option of before and after care from 7:00 – 8:45 AM and 4:00 – 6:00 PM.
Drop off will start at 8:30AM for AM Mini Camps, and at 12:30PM for PM Mini Camps. If your camper is in AM and PM Mini Camps they will only need to be checked in once. Our staff will supervise their lunch period and ensure they are at the proper PM Mini Camp.
Children may choose an all day camp or one morning activity and/or one afternoon activity to participate in for the week. Whole day participants need to bring a sack lunch. Fridays we will have a pizza and juice party for AM/PM Mini Campers. .