Monarch Butterfly Tagging

Rock Springs Rotary Nature Center

Activity Information

Fee: $7.00

Ages:  Any
Date: Wednesday, September 11 & 18
Time: 5 – 7 pm
Instructor: Samantha Sorrick

Do you love butterflies and want to play a part in protecting them? Then join us for our Monarch Butterfly Tagging program! This citizen science project was developed by Monarch Watch, a group of scientists from the University of Kansas, and focuses on education, research, and conservation. The program enlists help from the public in tagging monarch butterflies during their annual migration.

We will spend approximately 30 minutes inside the Rock Springs Rotary Nature Center to learn about the program and how to tag the butterflies. Then it’s time to head outside to catch the monarchs, tag them, and release them back into the wild!

This is a family friendly event! Everyone 12 years old and up will need a separate registration. Kids 11 and under are free! On the registration form, please indicate how many children (11 and under) you are bringing with you.

Registration Details – REQUIRED

Activity NameSession DateBarcodeStatus
Monarch Butterfly TaggingWednesday, September 1110313Enroll Now
Monarch Butterfly TaggingWednesday, September 1810319Enroll Now

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