Santa at the Station

O’Fallon Station

Activity Information

Fee: Free

Ages:  Any
Date: Tues, Dec 10 and Thurs, Dec 12
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 pm

Santa will be at the O’Fallon Station! Stop in and see the Man in Red before Christmas. He will be ready to see you December 10 and 12 from 6:00-7:30pm!

This is a free event, registration is not necessary but convenient so we can convey any cancellation information to you. There will not be a professional photographer at this event.

Registration Details – Registration Not Required, But Encouraged

Activity NameSession DateBarcodeStatus
Santa at the StationTuesday, December 1010133Enroll Now
Santa at the StationThursday, December 1210133Enroll Now

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