O’Fallon Skate Park
285 N Seven Hills Rd, O’Fallon, IL 62269
Skate Park Info
Welcome to the O’Fallon Skate Park. We hope you enjoy your visit and adhere to the following rules so others might enjoy their visit as well.
Park hours: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Skate Park Rules
- The city does not assume any liability for injury to participants or spectators involved in activities connected with skateboarding.
- The use of helmets is required, they must fit properly and have straps fastened. Other safety equipment, elbow pads, knee pads and wrist pads is strongly recommended.
- Shirts must be worn at all times.
- Do not skate when it is wet.
- Know your limits and abilities, YOU are responsible for YOUR safety.
- No smoking, alcohol or drug use.
- The Skateboard Park is intended for skateboard use only, no BMX bikes are allowed.
- No moving elements or bringing in of elements.
- No graffiti, tagging or stickers.
- No soliciting in the parks without authorization from the City of O’Fallon.
- No glass containers of any kind are allowed in parks.
- All trash and litter must be collected prior to leaving the facilities. There are receptacles throughout the parks.
- No pets are allowed.
- No amplified music allowed.
- This skate park is self policing. Please be respectful of all skaters and remember you are on video surveillance at all times.